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Second PETA e-reflection

Kamis, 29 September 2011
We need to know Benjamin Bloom taxonomy in order to have a full understanding of new topics, and be able to apply it in new situations. Studying is only finish for a given topic once all the competences in the taxonomy are attained. Bloom taxonomy is worth mastering, we can use it for understanding a new topic, write down an essay, and also conduct it in learning and teaching process. The taxonomy comes in six parts which could be also noticed as competences, that is the ability to recall, clarify, or as assignment that a teacher could schedule like class activity, an essay, a project, etcetera.
            As a teacher, prepared lesson plan before teaching will help the teaching process become much easier. Lesson plan telling us about what comes next and whether we are on goals to end the class in time available. It will also help us to manage the material in the class, later we could change it if there is something left or need to be added in the previous plan. It is expected that we could adapt the lesson plan to respond our student needs.  

            I remember from my previous school observation, there is a school which taught their first grade until third grade students using thematic method. I think it’s really helpful for student to learn the subject using thematic method. Professor Yohanes Suryo even use thematic for science learning. He has proved it as a good way to teach complex subject. Even though not many school has used thematic, I think it could be use as one alternative method in teaching and learning process.

2 komentar:

  1. Merry mengatakan...:

    Say Hi to you, natasha :D
    Good post :D

  1. Reyn mengatakan...:

    Thanks! Hi, there! :)

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